As you’re no doubt aware, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted business across the nation and all over the world. For health and safety purposes, only essential businesses are allowed to continue operating in person at this current moment—all other businesses must either close or work remotely until their state reopens.
Industrial Polishing Services, Inc. is still currently in operation, as we provide finishing services, including metal polishing, plating, and coating for essential products. Based on the classifications of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce, which is determined by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency of the United States (CISA), we are allowed to continue operations (while taking all appropriate social distancing, and safety measures, of course). Safety and quality continue to be our highest priorities in all projects, no matter the size or scope.
California Governor Gavin Newsom has limited the types of businesses that can remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic. The products that IPS processes form part of the critical manufacturing sector as well as other sectors considered part of the essential and critical infrastructure, which includes products for the healthcare industry, among others.
“Workers who produce or manufacture parts or equipment that supports continued operations for any essential services and increase in remote workforce, including computing and communication devices, semiconductors and equipment such as security tools for Security Operations Centers (SOCs) or data centers.
Some of the essential products that IPS is responsible for processing include:
Personal hygiene and Healthcare products:
We perform metal finishing services for products utilized in the healthcare and public health sectors, including products used to reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses. These products are used for personal hygiene, as well as in surgical procedures and operating rooms.
Electrical and electronic components:
These products and parts are used in the communications, government facilities, information technology and healthcare and public health sectors.
Automotive products:
Our business contributes to the automotive industry by processing products, which are used in the critical manufacturing, transportation systems and food and agriculture sectors.
Door and window hardware:
These components are used in the construction and security of buildings in the government facilities, commercial facilities, critical manufacturing and healthcare and public health sectors. Some of the products we are currently processing for these sectors include the application of an antimicrobial coating to reduce the spread of harmful bacteria and disease—crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic.
IPS has also received several letters from customers regarding the essential business classification and their need for IPS to continue operations in order to continue to provide these critical and essential products. We would like to assure our customers that as long as the United States and Mexican governments continue to classify these sectors and the products that we process as an essential business operation, we will continue operations. There have also been formal legal opinion documents drafted in Mexico that validate the essential products classification interpretation, referencing the Mexican Government’s Diario Oficial de la Federación (Official Journal of the Federation) classification of essential operations and products.
If you have questions about our metal finishing company’s essential business classification in Southern California or Mexico, or how we can work with your company, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today.